The kinds of portfolio
The kinds of portfolio
There are several types of portfolio with different objectives and diverse interest. Generally, the various types of portfolios could meet most or all of the educational program and learning in schools. Based on a literature, here some types of portfolios (Sujiono,2010:9) 1. The documentation portfolio
This types is also known by term “working portfolio” specifically includes a collection of work during the period of time which shows the growth and progress of students learning about the learning autcomes that have been identify (Sujiono, 2010:9). 2. The process portfolio
This approach in terms of documenting all stages of the process of learning. This portfolio will show how students angage in a specific knowledge or skills, and progress towards the basic mastery and advanced (Sujiono, 2010:9). 3. The showcase portfolio
This type of portfolio is the best used for summative evaluation of student mastery of score curriculum learning outcomes. This type is also in accordance with the development of audiovisual media, including the achievement of fotogafy, electronic records of student work as a whole. This portfolio also includes written analysis and reflection by students about making decision process used to determine the work to be ancluded (Sujiono, 2010:9). d. Portfolio assigments techniques
In portfolio technique, thre are four phases (Sujiono, 2010: 32), namely: 1. Giving task phase
The activities of this phase are lectures give the tasks to the students, including information about the working procedures to be implemented and deadline in collecting the task. 2. Task implementation phase
The activites of this phase are students carrying out work to be done and finished. 3. Structural duty and self-learning phase
The activities of this phase are student do the task assigned by lecturers outside the lesson and lecturers monitoring these activities. 4. Task responsibility phase
The activities of this phase are students accountable for the execution of tasks to teachers and other frieds.
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