The Definition of Writing
The Definition of Writing
Generally, writing is a way in sending message from the writer to the reader. Similar to Donald Hall (1985:4) said on his book “Writing Well” that writing is pretentious and wordy, but a message comes through. Writing also is a way the writer think or a way of thinking which is shared to the reader, like Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Comley(1985:7) said that writing is a way of thinking as well as a means of communication. Fred D. White(1986:7) also said that writing is more than public communication; it is a way of thinking. Writing is an individual activity similar to Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw (1993:164) said that writing, like reading, is in many ways an individual, solitary activity. Similarly, Trisha Phelps-Gunn and Diana Phelps-Terasaki(1982:1) said that writing is a useful, effective, enjoyble, and above all necessary component of the modern world. It provides the pleasure of sending a personal message to a friend. It assumes career and financial importance in the composition of a resume or a business letter. They also said that writing is the most complex language mode, being four time removed from inner language, and adds the component of written expretion to the earlier abilities. To Myklebust (1960:23), writing is composed of sucessful development in three other language modes, deriving its fokus from aural, oral and visual receptive components. From the opinions above, writing is the way of thinking or sending message from the writer to the reader which becomes the part of language or language skill and it also means comunication. To express their idea the writer ussualy uses certain writing types they need that able to give clear information to the reader. Pardiyono (2008:1-4) states that every form of writen text should have clear objective that all information, message or ideas must be packaged in one particular type of text. The type intended are narration, description, exposition, recount,procedure, anecdote, news item and discustion: 1. Narration
Narration is a story told to make a point. The purpose of narrative is to amuse the reaser and give moral to the reader. It consist of conflict, climax and resolution (Pardiyono,2008:93). 2. Description
It is type of writing in which the objective is to describe a certain object, especially about person, place or thing. (Pardiyono,2008:56). 3. Expositon
Exposition is a method that explain or clarifies some one purpose by presenting examples. Exposition is the common method of development whether of his evokes spesific sensory ditail. For a description or complies pertinent evidence foe an argument, he argument, he must privide example to illustrate the purpose. (Pardiyono,2008:86). 4. Recount
Recount is a text created to provide information about past activities, for example about vacation, week and activities, and other information. (Pardiyono,2008:97). 5. Procedure
Procedure is a type of writing that used to explain an activity or a way to do something in sequent steps(Pardiyono,2008:125). 6. Anecdote
Anecdote is a story about funny or silly events that have occured in order to invite readers to share your emotions with the reader. Because it is ridicolous, basically has a funny character. (Pardiyono,2008:104) 7. News item
News item is a type of writing that has the main function or communication purpose is to inform readers or listener about events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important (Pardiyono,2008:246). 8. Discussion
Discussion is the type of writing that used to inform the ideas or opinion of the writer. Through this discussion text, the writer offer ideas neutrally and impartial to anyone but the side with the accuracy of insight or idea itself (Pardiyono,2008:185)
Generally, writing is a way in sending message from the writer to the reader. Similar to Donald Hall (1985:4) said on his book “Writing Well” that writing is pretentious and wordy, but a message comes through. Writing also is a way the writer think or a way of thinking which is shared to the reader, like Robert Scholes and Nancy R. Comley(1985:7) said that writing is a way of thinking as well as a means of communication. Fred D. White(1986:7) also said that writing is more than public communication; it is a way of thinking. Writing is an individual activity similar to Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw (1993:164) said that writing, like reading, is in many ways an individual, solitary activity. Similarly, Trisha Phelps-Gunn and Diana Phelps-Terasaki(1982:1) said that writing is a useful, effective, enjoyble, and above all necessary component of the modern world. It provides the pleasure of sending a personal message to a friend. It assumes career and financial importance in the composition of a resume or a business letter. They also said that writing is the most complex language mode, being four time removed from inner language, and adds the component of written expretion to the earlier abilities. To Myklebust (1960:23), writing is composed of sucessful development in three other language modes, deriving its fokus from aural, oral and visual receptive components. From the opinions above, writing is the way of thinking or sending message from the writer to the reader which becomes the part of language or language skill and it also means comunication. To express their idea the writer ussualy uses certain writing types they need that able to give clear information to the reader. Pardiyono (2008:1-4) states that every form of writen text should have clear objective that all information, message or ideas must be packaged in one particular type of text. The type intended are narration, description, exposition, recount,procedure, anecdote, news item and discustion: 1. Narration
Narration is a story told to make a point. The purpose of narrative is to amuse the reaser and give moral to the reader. It consist of conflict, climax and resolution (Pardiyono,2008:93). 2. Description
It is type of writing in which the objective is to describe a certain object, especially about person, place or thing. (Pardiyono,2008:56). 3. Expositon
Exposition is a method that explain or clarifies some one purpose by presenting examples. Exposition is the common method of development whether of his evokes spesific sensory ditail. For a description or complies pertinent evidence foe an argument, he argument, he must privide example to illustrate the purpose. (Pardiyono,2008:86). 4. Recount
Recount is a text created to provide information about past activities, for example about vacation, week and activities, and other information. (Pardiyono,2008:97). 5. Procedure
Procedure is a type of writing that used to explain an activity or a way to do something in sequent steps(Pardiyono,2008:125). 6. Anecdote
Anecdote is a story about funny or silly events that have occured in order to invite readers to share your emotions with the reader. Because it is ridicolous, basically has a funny character. (Pardiyono,2008:104) 7. News item
News item is a type of writing that has the main function or communication purpose is to inform readers or listener about events of the day that are considered newsworthy or important (Pardiyono,2008:246). 8. Discussion
Discussion is the type of writing that used to inform the ideas or opinion of the writer. Through this discussion text, the writer offer ideas neutrally and impartial to anyone but the side with the accuracy of insight or idea itself (Pardiyono,2008:185)
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