a) Representatives
According to Yule (1996:53), representatives are those kinds of speech acts
that state what the speaker believes to be the case or not. In other words, the speaker
states certain utterances that he or she believed as a truth. There are some kinds of
representatives such as asserting, predicting, informing, concluding, etc. From this
novel, the researcher found 192 utterances of representatives. They are 118
informing, 51 asserting, 18 predicting, 3 concluding, and 2 boasting.
From the total utterance, informing and asserting are often used in novel. For
informing, this is because the situation in the novel. This novel told about Baret that
work hard tried to find his father. He believes that his father is still alive and become
prisoner, so he try to get many information related to his father so he can find his
father. Besides Baret, there are also some characters, like Rafael Levasseur and
Morgan that try to get information to find the treasure.
Based on situation above, this is normal if we found many utterances of
informing. Although this novel told about pirates and buccaneers but this story focus
on the Baret that tried to find his father, so we found many more utterances
informing than others. This is example utterance of information that found in the
a. “There be a new pirate who says he knows where Lucca is”.
This utterance was said by Hob that Baret was spy. In the novel, Captain
Baret Foxworth was searching his father. He tried to find evidence that his father is
still alive. Someone that knows his father is still alive or not is Lucca. He tried to
find Lucca, so he can get information about his father, but it is quite difficult to find
where Lucca is. Based on the utterance above Hob give him information that there is
someone that knows where Lucca is, that means through by the help of this person,
he can find Lucca.
b. “All I need is payment in them French and Spanish jewels that your wench mother
left you before she died”
This utterance was said by Mr. Pitt, Foxemoore‟s vile overseer. In the novel,
Mr.Pitt was catching Ty, Emerald‟s cousin. The meaning of that utterance is Mr. Pitt
informing Emerald that he wants her mother jewels. If Emerald wants to get free Ty,
her cousin, she must give her mother‟s jewels to Mr. Pitt.
c. “I‟ve other news concerning the thief who broke into your cabin earlier this
This utterance was said by Sir Cecil, Baret‟s friend. Once night there is
someone who silently broke into Baret‟s cabin. Baret quite curious about who is it.
Based on that utterance it is seen if Sir Cecil was get information about the thief. It
is mean Sir Cecil inform him that he was get information about the thief‟s identity.
Besides informing, there is asserting that also often used in the novel.
However the story told about Baret that tried to find his father, there is also many
situations when Baret has conflict with others characters such as his grandfather,
Emerald, Levasseur, etc. There is situation when Baret need to state his utterance to
others characters. Besides Baret, Emerald also has many situations that make her
need to state her utterance to others characters. This is example utterance of
a. “Lavender will not marry Grayford!”
This utterance was said by Baret to his grandfather. In the novel, his
grandfather is not agrees with Baret‟s choice to find his father. His grandfather
believe that his father was dead, so his grandfather think that what Baret doing is
just waste time. In the novel, Baret has a fiancé, Lavender. To make Baret back to
home, his grandfather said that Lavender will be married with Grayford, his cousin.
So, if he won‟t Lavender married with his cousin he must back to home. The
meaning of the utterance above is Baret asserting to his grandfather that Lavender
will not marry with Grayford however he not back to home. He certain that.
b. “Your secret, Viscount, is quite safe with me”
This utterance was said by Emerald to Baret. This is when Emerald try to
speak with him about his little brother. Emerald was known about his secret that he
tried to find his father from her father. He not believe her if she not tell his secret to
other people. He thinks that the girl usually has a habit of gossip. The meaning of
the utterance is Emerald tried to assert him that his secret will quite safe with her
and she not have habit of gossip.
c. “I wouldn‟t go without you, Cousin Minette”
This utterance was said by Emerald to Minette, her cousin. This is happen
when they are tried to escape from Foxemoore. At that time Jamie, who Emerald
love was find a ship. That means they can go so far from Foxemoore and start a new
life. Although they are happy Minette has quite worried that she can not become a
great lady because she has African‟s blood. In the people‟s view African‟s blood is
worthless. That utterance means Emerald tried to assert her that everything is all
right and she wouldn‟t go without her.
Besides informing and asserting, the researcher will give some example
about others utterance, predicting. This utterance also quite often used in the novel.
a. “Two days isn‟t enough time!”
This utterance was said by Emerald. This is happen when Mr. Pitt order her
to get her mother‟s jewels in the Levasseur‟ ship and he just give her two days to get
it. That utterance means she predict two days isn‟t enough time to get the jewels
because just aboard to Levasseur‟s ship without knowing is quite difficult.
b. “Your father would hang me on the yardarm should I allow you to go a
This utterance was said by Zeddie, Emerald‟s bodyguard when they tried to
aboard in the Levasseur‟s ship. To aboard in the Levasseur‟s ship she needs
Zeddie‟s help. That utterance means Zeddie was predict that her father would hang
him because he allow her to do something dangerous and he is quite certain about
c. “He must be in the house somewhere. He has to be”
This utterance was said by Emerald to servant. This is happen when Jette,
Baret‟s little brother was missing while wedding party. That utterance means
Emerald was predict that he must be in the house somewhere because he is still little
kid so it is impossible if he go far away from house.
b) Directives
Directive is speech act that is to cause the hearer to take a particular action,
in other words it‟s ordering someone to do something. They express what the
speaker wants. In using a directives, the speaker attempts to make the world fit the
words (via the hearer) (Yule, 1996:54). Directives perform commanding, ordering,
requesting, etc. From the novel, the researcher found 147 utterances of directives.
They are such as 1 inviting, 9 advising, 1 forbiding, 3 challenging, 11 requesting, 7
pleading, 2 permitting, 7 asking, 3 stating, 10 warning, 28 suggesting, 5 begging, 29
ordering, 6 commanding, and 25 instructing.
From the total of utterance above, ordering and suggesting was often used in
the novel. The novel is about pirates and buccaneers. Usually in this situation there
is Captain, that lead a ship, and the servant or people that always obey the Captain.
From this situation, it is normal if we found many utterances of ordering from the
novel. And also there is situation that the characters try to avoid fighting or war
because they are must to help each other to get each purpose. So, in the novel also
found many utterances of suggesting. Besides that, the other character also has each
different situation that made them to suggest something to each other. This is
example of ordering and suggesting:
a. “Say nothing yet about her father arriving. I want to be certain first” (ordering)
This utterance was said by Captain Foxworth to Sir Cecil, his friend. This is
happen when Emerald aboard in his ship and she was have difficult time in there. He
wants to send her back to her father. The meaning of the utterance is he ordering Sir
Cecil to say nothing to her about her father arriving, because he wants to be certain
first. He won‟t to be disappointing her because she‟s had enough disappointments
for one day.
b. “Bring the girl to Harwick‟s ship” (ordering)
This utterance was said by Baret to his people. It is when the ship of
Emerald‟s father was arrived. The meaning of the utterance is Baret ordering his
people to bring Emerald to her father ship.
c. “Bring my purchase to the cabin” (ordering)
This utterance was said by Baret to his people. The Emerald‟s existence was
make Baret and Levasseur fight because they are same wants Emerald. To avoid
might Emerald hurts, Baret divided to buy her from Levasseur. That utterance means
Baret ordering his people to bring Emerald to his cabin. This is said right after he
buy her from Levasseur.
d. “May I suggest you introduce your daughter at the wedding celebration?”
This utterance says by Baret to Sir Karlton, Emerald‟s father. It is when
Baret come to Sir Karlton‟s home to discuss about their plan to sailing with Henry
Morgan. At that time he sees Emerald, the girl that also was board in his ship
without permission, and he try to playing around with her. The meaning of the
utterance is Baret suggest to Sir Karlton to introduce his daughter, Emerald, at his
uncle‟s wedding celebration.
e. “Your servant, madam. You may go” (suggesting)
This utterance was said by Baret to Emerald. This is happen when Emerald
was disturbed by Sir Jasper. At that time Baret was there and help her from Sir
Jasper. That utterance means Baret was suggest her to go home because it was late.
This is right after Sir Jasper gone.
f. “If you‟re going to have a Singing School, you better open one up in London”
This utterance was said by Minette to Emerald. This is when finally they
can go to London. Although she can go to London, she still wants to work in the
Singing School that was build by her uncle. That utterance means Minette was
suggest her to open Singing School in London if she still wants to work in the
Singing School.
c) Commissives
Commisives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to commit
themselves to some future action. In using a commissives, the speaker undertakes to
make the world fit the words (via the speaker) (Yule, 1996:54). Commisives include
promises, threats, refusals, pledges, vowing, offering, etc. From the novel, the
researcher found 87 utterances of commissives. They are such as 40 promising, 13
planning, 5 offering, 5 threatening, 20 refusing, and 4 vowing.
From the total utterance above, it is promising and refusing that often used in
the novel. In the novel, there are many different situations that make the characters
need to promise something to each others. But, almost all the utterance of promising
is bad promise, like “if you lying, I will found you and kill you”. This novel is about
Baret that tried to find his father. To avoiding the mistake, he is always careful to
select information. So, it is not rare if he used bad promise to certain first. For
refusing, it is Emerald that almost used all this utterance. It is because she has
always different opinion with her father. She is quite stubborn and has herself
opinion for her live. This is example of promising and refusing:
a. “I don‟t want to go to London, Papa”. (refusing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to her father. This is happen when
Emerald‟s father want she to go to London. He wants her to enter finishing school
and soon will marry with nobility. Hearing her father plans, she refusing to go to
London. She doesn‟t want to go to London and don‟t wan to marry nobility. One
person that she wants to marry is Jamie Bradford, not others.
b. “I won‟t go to Captain Levasseur!” (refusing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to Mr. Pitt. To get free Ty, her cousin
Mr. Pitt order her to get her mother‟s jewels that was in the Levasseur‟s hand. Mr.
Pitt orders her to go to Levasseur and get the jewels. That utterance means Emerald
refusing to go to Levasseur because she won‟t to see Levaseeur.
c. “I will not marry him, Papa!” (refusing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to her father. This is when her father
wants her to marry Baret. Whatever happened her father wants her to marry Baret.
That utterance means Emerald refusing to marry Baret because she doesn‟t love
him. She only loves Jamie.
d. “If you are lying, I will find out sooner or later. I will call you out, Jasper. And I
will see you dead” (promising)
This utterance was said by Baret to Sir Jasper. This is when Baret try to get
information about his father from Sir Jasper. He thinks that Sir Jasper has known
something about his father. The meaning of the utterance is if the information that
Sir Jasper give is false or he is lying, Baret promise that he will find out him sooner
or later, and he will kill him.
e. “But if your information proves false, I shall find you again, if only to mince
your hide for the kettle” (promising)
This utterance was said by Baret to Hob. This is when Hob was gives him
information about Lucca. That utterance means if the information that he give false,
he will find him again. Wherever he hiding he will found him.
f. “That must not happen! I won‟t let it!” (promising)
That utterance was said by Lavender to her mother. Her mother informs her
that Baret will disinherit if he sail with Henry Morgan. If it is happen she can not
married with him. That utterance means Lavender will not let it happen. Baret won‟t
disinherit and she will be married with him. She promises that.
d) Expressives
A speech act that express the speaker‟s attitudes and emotions towards the
proposition. Expressive have the function of expressing, or making known, the
speaker‟s psychological attitude. The expression includes thanking, apologizing,
welcoming, condoling, etc. From the novel, the researcher found 13 utterance of
expressive. They are 4 welcoming, 1 liking, 2 thanking, 5 apologizing, and 1 dislike.
In the novel, there is no much utterance of expressive. It is novel about adventure, so
just some utterance of expressive that can be found in there. This is example of
expressives that found in the novel:
a. “My thanks for your gallantry, sir” (thanking)
This is utterance said by Emerald to Captain Foxworth. This is happen when
Emerald was disturbed by Sir Jasper that forces her to dinner and spent a night with
him. In the middle of arguing comes Captain Foxworth and save her. Before she
leaves she says thanking to Captain Foxworth about his help.
b. “Thankee, Miss Emerald” (thanking)
This utterance was said by servant to Emerald. This is when Jette was
missing and the servant confuse to searching him. Emerald was helping to searching
him. That utterance means the servant was thankful to Emerald for helping to
searching him.
c. “Welcome, Sir Cecil, my esteemed scholar” (welcoming)
This utterance was said by Baret to Sir Cecil. This is happen when Sir Cecil
was aboard in his ship. Sir Cecil is Baret‟s tutor and friend. He is always with Baret
since he is young. That utterance means Baret is welcoming Sir Cecil to aboard in
his ship.
d. “Welcome home, Mr. Baret” (welcoming)
This utterance was said by servant to Baret. This is happen when Baret back
to Harwick‟s house to meet his grandfather. That utterance means the servant is
welcoming Baret to back in home.
e. “I can‟t deceive you. I‟ve failed“ (apologizing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to Jonah, Minette‟s grandfather. This is
happen when Emerald tried to save Ty and filed. That utterance means Emerald was
apologize that she failed to save Ty and can not keep her promise.
f. “I‟m sorry, but I need answers and intend to have then without distraction”
This utterance was said by Baret to Emerald. This is happen when he force
her to follow him to go out from the hall. Emerald tried to refusing him because she
afraid will be caught by Lavender. That utterance means Baret was apologize to
force her to go out from the hall. He doesn‟t have choice because he wants to hear
her reason about aboard in his ship without distraction.
g. “I‟m sorry I insisted you stay” (apologizing)
This utterance was said by Baret to Emerald. This is happen when they talk
in the cabin. That utterance means Baret was apologizing to Emerald for keep her in
his ship and through difficult time.
h. “Ah, Miss Emerald, how fortunate to come upon you like this” (liking)
This utterance was said by Sir Jasper to Emerald. This is when Emerald
going to home and meet with Sir Jasper in the road. Sir Jasper was very like
Emerald so he was happy when meet her. That utterance means Sir Jasper was very
happy to meet Emerald and he like it.
i. “I should hate to deal with Levasseur when he wakes on the morning of
rendezvous and discovers his ship was followed by Sir Karlton” (dislike)
This utterance was said by Sir Cecil to Baret. This is happen when they talk
about Emerald and her father. The all of crew doesn‟t know about Emerald‟s father
ship include Levasseur. If Levasseur know about it, he will be angry. That utterance
means Sir Cecil doesn‟t like Levasseur and he is hate to deal with him.
e) Declaratives
Declaration is illocution whose successful performance brings about the
correspondence between the proportional content and reality (Leech, 1991:106).
This is kind of speech act is quite special, because the speaker utterance or statement
can change the world, it can change the reality. Declarative include, resigning,
naming, christening, demising, excommunicating, appointing, sentencing, etc. In
this novel the researcher found just one declaratives utterance.
„You shall be taken to the place of execution, and there be severally hanged by your
neck until you be dead‟.
This utterance is example from declaratives defining. This is happen when
Captain Maynerd was cough and brings to the Admiralty Court. In the Admiralty
Court, Captain Maynerd that had no lawyer receives his punishment from the
Judges. That utterance means Captain Maynerd will be hanged in the execution dock
until he dead because his mistakes.
According to Yule (1996:53), representatives are those kinds of speech acts
that state what the speaker believes to be the case or not. In other words, the speaker
states certain utterances that he or she believed as a truth. There are some kinds of
representatives such as asserting, predicting, informing, concluding, etc. From this
novel, the researcher found 192 utterances of representatives. They are 118
informing, 51 asserting, 18 predicting, 3 concluding, and 2 boasting.
From the total utterance, informing and asserting are often used in novel. For
informing, this is because the situation in the novel. This novel told about Baret that
work hard tried to find his father. He believes that his father is still alive and become
prisoner, so he try to get many information related to his father so he can find his
father. Besides Baret, there are also some characters, like Rafael Levasseur and
Morgan that try to get information to find the treasure.
Based on situation above, this is normal if we found many utterances of
informing. Although this novel told about pirates and buccaneers but this story focus
on the Baret that tried to find his father, so we found many more utterances
informing than others. This is example utterance of information that found in the
a. “There be a new pirate who says he knows where Lucca is”.
This utterance was said by Hob that Baret was spy. In the novel, Captain
Baret Foxworth was searching his father. He tried to find evidence that his father is
still alive. Someone that knows his father is still alive or not is Lucca. He tried to
find Lucca, so he can get information about his father, but it is quite difficult to find
where Lucca is. Based on the utterance above Hob give him information that there is
someone that knows where Lucca is, that means through by the help of this person,
he can find Lucca.
b. “All I need is payment in them French and Spanish jewels that your wench mother
left you before she died”
This utterance was said by Mr. Pitt, Foxemoore‟s vile overseer. In the novel,
Mr.Pitt was catching Ty, Emerald‟s cousin. The meaning of that utterance is Mr. Pitt
informing Emerald that he wants her mother jewels. If Emerald wants to get free Ty,
her cousin, she must give her mother‟s jewels to Mr. Pitt.
c. “I‟ve other news concerning the thief who broke into your cabin earlier this
This utterance was said by Sir Cecil, Baret‟s friend. Once night there is
someone who silently broke into Baret‟s cabin. Baret quite curious about who is it.
Based on that utterance it is seen if Sir Cecil was get information about the thief. It
is mean Sir Cecil inform him that he was get information about the thief‟s identity.
Besides informing, there is asserting that also often used in the novel.
However the story told about Baret that tried to find his father, there is also many
situations when Baret has conflict with others characters such as his grandfather,
Emerald, Levasseur, etc. There is situation when Baret need to state his utterance to
others characters. Besides Baret, Emerald also has many situations that make her
need to state her utterance to others characters. This is example utterance of
a. “Lavender will not marry Grayford!”
This utterance was said by Baret to his grandfather. In the novel, his
grandfather is not agrees with Baret‟s choice to find his father. His grandfather
believe that his father was dead, so his grandfather think that what Baret doing is
just waste time. In the novel, Baret has a fiancé, Lavender. To make Baret back to
home, his grandfather said that Lavender will be married with Grayford, his cousin.
So, if he won‟t Lavender married with his cousin he must back to home. The
meaning of the utterance above is Baret asserting to his grandfather that Lavender
will not marry with Grayford however he not back to home. He certain that.
b. “Your secret, Viscount, is quite safe with me”
This utterance was said by Emerald to Baret. This is when Emerald try to
speak with him about his little brother. Emerald was known about his secret that he
tried to find his father from her father. He not believe her if she not tell his secret to
other people. He thinks that the girl usually has a habit of gossip. The meaning of
the utterance is Emerald tried to assert him that his secret will quite safe with her
and she not have habit of gossip.
c. “I wouldn‟t go without you, Cousin Minette”
This utterance was said by Emerald to Minette, her cousin. This is happen
when they are tried to escape from Foxemoore. At that time Jamie, who Emerald
love was find a ship. That means they can go so far from Foxemoore and start a new
life. Although they are happy Minette has quite worried that she can not become a
great lady because she has African‟s blood. In the people‟s view African‟s blood is
worthless. That utterance means Emerald tried to assert her that everything is all
right and she wouldn‟t go without her.
Besides informing and asserting, the researcher will give some example
about others utterance, predicting. This utterance also quite often used in the novel.
a. “Two days isn‟t enough time!”
This utterance was said by Emerald. This is happen when Mr. Pitt order her
to get her mother‟s jewels in the Levasseur‟ ship and he just give her two days to get
it. That utterance means she predict two days isn‟t enough time to get the jewels
because just aboard to Levasseur‟s ship without knowing is quite difficult.
b. “Your father would hang me on the yardarm should I allow you to go a
This utterance was said by Zeddie, Emerald‟s bodyguard when they tried to
aboard in the Levasseur‟s ship. To aboard in the Levasseur‟s ship she needs
Zeddie‟s help. That utterance means Zeddie was predict that her father would hang
him because he allow her to do something dangerous and he is quite certain about
c. “He must be in the house somewhere. He has to be”
This utterance was said by Emerald to servant. This is happen when Jette,
Baret‟s little brother was missing while wedding party. That utterance means
Emerald was predict that he must be in the house somewhere because he is still little
kid so it is impossible if he go far away from house.
b) Directives
Directive is speech act that is to cause the hearer to take a particular action,
in other words it‟s ordering someone to do something. They express what the
speaker wants. In using a directives, the speaker attempts to make the world fit the
words (via the hearer) (Yule, 1996:54). Directives perform commanding, ordering,
requesting, etc. From the novel, the researcher found 147 utterances of directives.
They are such as 1 inviting, 9 advising, 1 forbiding, 3 challenging, 11 requesting, 7
pleading, 2 permitting, 7 asking, 3 stating, 10 warning, 28 suggesting, 5 begging, 29
ordering, 6 commanding, and 25 instructing.
From the total of utterance above, ordering and suggesting was often used in
the novel. The novel is about pirates and buccaneers. Usually in this situation there
is Captain, that lead a ship, and the servant or people that always obey the Captain.
From this situation, it is normal if we found many utterances of ordering from the
novel. And also there is situation that the characters try to avoid fighting or war
because they are must to help each other to get each purpose. So, in the novel also
found many utterances of suggesting. Besides that, the other character also has each
different situation that made them to suggest something to each other. This is
example of ordering and suggesting:
a. “Say nothing yet about her father arriving. I want to be certain first” (ordering)
This utterance was said by Captain Foxworth to Sir Cecil, his friend. This is
happen when Emerald aboard in his ship and she was have difficult time in there. He
wants to send her back to her father. The meaning of the utterance is he ordering Sir
Cecil to say nothing to her about her father arriving, because he wants to be certain
first. He won‟t to be disappointing her because she‟s had enough disappointments
for one day.
b. “Bring the girl to Harwick‟s ship” (ordering)
This utterance was said by Baret to his people. It is when the ship of
Emerald‟s father was arrived. The meaning of the utterance is Baret ordering his
people to bring Emerald to her father ship.
c. “Bring my purchase to the cabin” (ordering)
This utterance was said by Baret to his people. The Emerald‟s existence was
make Baret and Levasseur fight because they are same wants Emerald. To avoid
might Emerald hurts, Baret divided to buy her from Levasseur. That utterance means
Baret ordering his people to bring Emerald to his cabin. This is said right after he
buy her from Levasseur.
d. “May I suggest you introduce your daughter at the wedding celebration?”
This utterance says by Baret to Sir Karlton, Emerald‟s father. It is when
Baret come to Sir Karlton‟s home to discuss about their plan to sailing with Henry
Morgan. At that time he sees Emerald, the girl that also was board in his ship
without permission, and he try to playing around with her. The meaning of the
utterance is Baret suggest to Sir Karlton to introduce his daughter, Emerald, at his
uncle‟s wedding celebration.
e. “Your servant, madam. You may go” (suggesting)
This utterance was said by Baret to Emerald. This is happen when Emerald
was disturbed by Sir Jasper. At that time Baret was there and help her from Sir
Jasper. That utterance means Baret was suggest her to go home because it was late.
This is right after Sir Jasper gone.
f. “If you‟re going to have a Singing School, you better open one up in London”
This utterance was said by Minette to Emerald. This is when finally they
can go to London. Although she can go to London, she still wants to work in the
Singing School that was build by her uncle. That utterance means Minette was
suggest her to open Singing School in London if she still wants to work in the
Singing School.
c) Commissives
Commisives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to commit
themselves to some future action. In using a commissives, the speaker undertakes to
make the world fit the words (via the speaker) (Yule, 1996:54). Commisives include
promises, threats, refusals, pledges, vowing, offering, etc. From the novel, the
researcher found 87 utterances of commissives. They are such as 40 promising, 13
planning, 5 offering, 5 threatening, 20 refusing, and 4 vowing.
From the total utterance above, it is promising and refusing that often used in
the novel. In the novel, there are many different situations that make the characters
need to promise something to each others. But, almost all the utterance of promising
is bad promise, like “if you lying, I will found you and kill you”. This novel is about
Baret that tried to find his father. To avoiding the mistake, he is always careful to
select information. So, it is not rare if he used bad promise to certain first. For
refusing, it is Emerald that almost used all this utterance. It is because she has
always different opinion with her father. She is quite stubborn and has herself
opinion for her live. This is example of promising and refusing:
a. “I don‟t want to go to London, Papa”. (refusing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to her father. This is happen when
Emerald‟s father want she to go to London. He wants her to enter finishing school
and soon will marry with nobility. Hearing her father plans, she refusing to go to
London. She doesn‟t want to go to London and don‟t wan to marry nobility. One
person that she wants to marry is Jamie Bradford, not others.
b. “I won‟t go to Captain Levasseur!” (refusing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to Mr. Pitt. To get free Ty, her cousin
Mr. Pitt order her to get her mother‟s jewels that was in the Levasseur‟s hand. Mr.
Pitt orders her to go to Levasseur and get the jewels. That utterance means Emerald
refusing to go to Levasseur because she won‟t to see Levaseeur.
c. “I will not marry him, Papa!” (refusing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to her father. This is when her father
wants her to marry Baret. Whatever happened her father wants her to marry Baret.
That utterance means Emerald refusing to marry Baret because she doesn‟t love
him. She only loves Jamie.
d. “If you are lying, I will find out sooner or later. I will call you out, Jasper. And I
will see you dead” (promising)
This utterance was said by Baret to Sir Jasper. This is when Baret try to get
information about his father from Sir Jasper. He thinks that Sir Jasper has known
something about his father. The meaning of the utterance is if the information that
Sir Jasper give is false or he is lying, Baret promise that he will find out him sooner
or later, and he will kill him.
e. “But if your information proves false, I shall find you again, if only to mince
your hide for the kettle” (promising)
This utterance was said by Baret to Hob. This is when Hob was gives him
information about Lucca. That utterance means if the information that he give false,
he will find him again. Wherever he hiding he will found him.
f. “That must not happen! I won‟t let it!” (promising)
That utterance was said by Lavender to her mother. Her mother informs her
that Baret will disinherit if he sail with Henry Morgan. If it is happen she can not
married with him. That utterance means Lavender will not let it happen. Baret won‟t
disinherit and she will be married with him. She promises that.
d) Expressives
A speech act that express the speaker‟s attitudes and emotions towards the
proposition. Expressive have the function of expressing, or making known, the
speaker‟s psychological attitude. The expression includes thanking, apologizing,
welcoming, condoling, etc. From the novel, the researcher found 13 utterance of
expressive. They are 4 welcoming, 1 liking, 2 thanking, 5 apologizing, and 1 dislike.
In the novel, there is no much utterance of expressive. It is novel about adventure, so
just some utterance of expressive that can be found in there. This is example of
expressives that found in the novel:
a. “My thanks for your gallantry, sir” (thanking)
This is utterance said by Emerald to Captain Foxworth. This is happen when
Emerald was disturbed by Sir Jasper that forces her to dinner and spent a night with
him. In the middle of arguing comes Captain Foxworth and save her. Before she
leaves she says thanking to Captain Foxworth about his help.
b. “Thankee, Miss Emerald” (thanking)
This utterance was said by servant to Emerald. This is when Jette was
missing and the servant confuse to searching him. Emerald was helping to searching
him. That utterance means the servant was thankful to Emerald for helping to
searching him.
c. “Welcome, Sir Cecil, my esteemed scholar” (welcoming)
This utterance was said by Baret to Sir Cecil. This is happen when Sir Cecil
was aboard in his ship. Sir Cecil is Baret‟s tutor and friend. He is always with Baret
since he is young. That utterance means Baret is welcoming Sir Cecil to aboard in
his ship.
d. “Welcome home, Mr. Baret” (welcoming)
This utterance was said by servant to Baret. This is happen when Baret back
to Harwick‟s house to meet his grandfather. That utterance means the servant is
welcoming Baret to back in home.
e. “I can‟t deceive you. I‟ve failed“ (apologizing)
This utterance was said by Emerald to Jonah, Minette‟s grandfather. This is
happen when Emerald tried to save Ty and filed. That utterance means Emerald was
apologize that she failed to save Ty and can not keep her promise.
f. “I‟m sorry, but I need answers and intend to have then without distraction”
This utterance was said by Baret to Emerald. This is happen when he force
her to follow him to go out from the hall. Emerald tried to refusing him because she
afraid will be caught by Lavender. That utterance means Baret was apologize to
force her to go out from the hall. He doesn‟t have choice because he wants to hear
her reason about aboard in his ship without distraction.
g. “I‟m sorry I insisted you stay” (apologizing)
This utterance was said by Baret to Emerald. This is happen when they talk
in the cabin. That utterance means Baret was apologizing to Emerald for keep her in
his ship and through difficult time.
h. “Ah, Miss Emerald, how fortunate to come upon you like this” (liking)
This utterance was said by Sir Jasper to Emerald. This is when Emerald
going to home and meet with Sir Jasper in the road. Sir Jasper was very like
Emerald so he was happy when meet her. That utterance means Sir Jasper was very
happy to meet Emerald and he like it.
i. “I should hate to deal with Levasseur when he wakes on the morning of
rendezvous and discovers his ship was followed by Sir Karlton” (dislike)
This utterance was said by Sir Cecil to Baret. This is happen when they talk
about Emerald and her father. The all of crew doesn‟t know about Emerald‟s father
ship include Levasseur. If Levasseur know about it, he will be angry. That utterance
means Sir Cecil doesn‟t like Levasseur and he is hate to deal with him.
e) Declaratives
Declaration is illocution whose successful performance brings about the
correspondence between the proportional content and reality (Leech, 1991:106).
This is kind of speech act is quite special, because the speaker utterance or statement
can change the world, it can change the reality. Declarative include, resigning,
naming, christening, demising, excommunicating, appointing, sentencing, etc. In
this novel the researcher found just one declaratives utterance.
„You shall be taken to the place of execution, and there be severally hanged by your
neck until you be dead‟.
This utterance is example from declaratives defining. This is happen when
Captain Maynerd was cough and brings to the Admiralty Court. In the Admiralty
Court, Captain Maynerd that had no lawyer receives his punishment from the
Judges. That utterance means Captain Maynerd will be hanged in the execution dock
until he dead because his mistakes.
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